Stephen Hurrell

Imagine you were given a job to take mechanical pieces for machines and double them in size. Sounds innocent enough. Now imagine this leading you to write a book entitled...

Dr. Edward Dowdye

You are a American NASA scientist who studied physics in Germany and is fluent in German, and when you read Einstein's work in the original works in his native tongue, you...

George Staniforth Coyne

So you want to know what consciousness is? Or maybe you just want to know 50 reasons why the Big Bang is an impossible idea. Then look no further. George has a few very...

Lori Gardi

Lori Gardi is a computer scientist and a fractal cosmologist. Her
independent research into the fractal nature of the universe has led her
to a novel black hole theory...

Ron Hatch

So you hear almost every day how GPS is a practical example of the use of Einstein's relativity. It must be true, right? Wrong. Just ask Ron Hatch. Ron, a critical thinker, holds of over 30...

Dr. Charles William Lucas

Imagine being groomed by the US government to be one of the top physicists in the country. Then imagine getting up and presenting a critical paper on Einstein's relativity and immediately being...

Dr. Glenn Borchardt

Ok: infinity and philosophy are not at the top of your list when you are thinking about science and the universe. But it if were up to Dr. Glenn Borchardt and those who...

Dr. James Maxlow

Dr. James Maxlow may be the most famous geologist you have never met. Inside this quiet, unassuming man lies a passion for something he knows is true, that will change all...